Monday, November 4, 2019

Setting Up the PeopleSoft Web Server for ODA

This post will describe the steps to setup the PeopleSoft web server for Oracle Digital Assistant (ODA) - Chatbots. This post will also go through some tips and tricks that are not covered in PeopleBooks (at the time of writing).

PeopleBook Reference: Setting Up the Web Server for the Chatbot

Creating a new 'external' site on the web server domain

This step should be pretty straight forward for a PS Admin. But for someone like me who does not have a lot of PS Admin background, it was a struggle to find the right information and create a new 'external' site on the PeopleSoft web server domain. Based on my experience creating this new site, I wrote a separate blog post to cover this topic and demystify some of the admin configuration and jargon.

Refer: Create new (external) site in a PUM Image

Note: This information is not in PeopleBooks but I was told that the new site can use the same web profile as the other existing site for regular PIA access. Since, my current environment is a HCM 9.2 - PI 31 created on OCI by PeopleSoft Cloud Manager, the delivered default site for the PIA is peoplesoft01 and it uses the delivered PROD web profile. So, I created my 'external' site using the PROD web profile using the procedure described in the blog post referenced above.

Copying the Web SDK (delivered ochatjs folder) to the new 'external' site

This step is also self explanatory. The one challenge I had was that my PUM image (HCM 9.2 - Image 31) was running on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). I generally use WinSCP to perform file transfers, etc. to the servers. The default user 'opc' (Oracle Public Cloud) which we use to connect to OCI via WinSCP does not have the appropriate privileges to copy the Web SDK to the 'external' site.

Graham Smith, Oracle ACE Director, from Cedar Consulting UK showed me a neat trick to use WinSCP, login as the default user 'opc' and then switch to 'root'. I am forever thankful to him for this because it helps avoid the use of command line for such tasks.

How to use WinSCP to connect to PS Servers on OCI as root?

Use SCP Protocol, 'opc' user, set the private key in the authentication settings and use "sudo su -" in the SCP/Shell settings.

Copying the ochatjs folder (web SDK) to the external site

Source: file located in <%PS_APP_HOME%>/setup/chatbot

In my case, since I am using a HCM 9.2 - PI 31 running on OCI (created by PeopleSoft Cloud Manager), the was located here.


Destination: <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN_NAME>\application\peoplesoft\PORTAL.war\external\

In my case, since I am using a HCM 9.2 - PI 31 running on OCI (created by PeopleSoft Cloud Manager), the extracted ochatjs folder was placed here.



We can verify the success of the web SDK installation by accessing the following URL on a web browser.

https:\\<your server name>:port\external\ochatjs\loader.json


  1. Hi Sasank, Currently Help Link in PeopleSoft Page redirect to UPK help. I have requirement to customize the Help Link or add a custom link next to Help. Can you help me or let me know which Iscript/Peoplecode/Html painting the Help Link as I am unable to figure the trigger event

    1. Are you referring to the Help link on Classic pages or Fluid pages?

  2. Classic Pages.. These links from the Page Bar setting from Component.

    1. Ok. If you are looking to replace it with a static URL, you could simply change it on the web profile.

      This might provide additional info:
      E-PIA: How to disable Embedded Help Feature in Peoplesoft ? (Doc ID 2436479.1)

      If you want it to be dynamic, then you might have to write some javascript. I don't have any experience/examples doing that but will let you know if I have any additional ideas.

  3. Very nice and excellent post providing a whole range of formatting and styling ideas, Probably won’t be able to implement everything on the list but just raising awareness of what can done and itemising a few ‘to do’s’ will help. Thanks for your information.

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