Wednesday, April 20, 2016

PeopleTools 8.55.x - Branding - Part III - Custom Macros and More

In my previous blog posts, we saw how we can brand PeopleSoft applications which are on PeopleTools 8.55 using the new Theme Macro Sets functionality (Part I and Part II). The Theme Macro Sets provides a great way to override targeted styles (e.g.: Header Logo, Icon images, background colors, etc.) using online configuration. The delivered Them Macro Set contains 177 macros which targets specific styles for some common Branding tasks.

Creating Custom Macros:

The concept and functionality of the Macro Set are great, but what if the 177 macros that are available do not meet our requirements? In Part II, I demonstrated how we can fall back to using the Theme - Fluid Global Override Style Sheet under such circumstances. In this section, I will detail how we can still bring those custom style sheet overrides into the Theme Macro Set as custom macros. Once we create the macros, we don't need to update the style sheet anymore. All we need to do is update the macros if there are any further changes (I guess making it a little user friendly depending on who is making the changes). This is particularly useful for customers who have a more dynamic branding which changes frequently depending on the time of the year vs being static after implementation.

Macros in Theme Macro Sets are nothing but variables used in the Theme - Fluid Global Override Style Sheet which are substituted at runtime.

Going back to my example in Part II, we used the following styles in the Theme - Fluid Global Override Style Sheet for changing the Dot Styling on the Fluid Landing Page Footer:

.lpfooter .dot.on {
  background: #EEEB4D;
.lpfooter .dot {
  background: #E8E29E;
  border: 2px solid #1d418c;

Let us re-write the above styles using custom variables (macros).

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding Objects

Edit the custom Fluid - Global Override Style Sheet (CSK_BRAND_FLUID_TEMPLATE) and update the styles as follows:

.lpfooter .dot.on {
.lpfooter .dot {

Now, let us add these macros (variables) to our Theme Macro Set:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and add the custom variables in the 'Macro List' grid:


Similarly, we can add other Fluid Style Sheet overrides as custom macro definitions if necessary.

Moving along, the rest of this blog details some advanced branding tasks which can be done in PT 8.55 similar to PT 8.54. I am posting links for those items here for continuity.

Creating an environment specific header for Non-Production databases:

Fluid Housekeeping Steps: Fluid Branding - 8.54 - Part 5B
Task steps: Fluid Branding - 8.54 - Part 5C

We will notice that the above steps would only work for the "Fluid" pages. To make it work on "Classic" pages, we need to perform some additional steps.

Step 1: Update the javascript to modify the jQuery selectors

// Display Database Name using jQuery once the document is ready;

var $jq1 = jQuery.noConflict();


   // Make sure we are only adding the div once;
   if ( $jq1("#cskdbnamecontainer").length === 0 ) {

      // Add div to display DB Name;
      $jq1( "#PT_HEADER, #ptbr_header_container").prepend( "<div id='cskdbnamecontainer' align='center'><span id='cskdbname'>Test Environment: %dbname</span><a href='#' id='cskdbnamehide'>Hide</a></div>" );

      // Add jQuery to hide the DB Name when the 'Hide' link is clicked;



You can see that I added an additional selector (#ptbr_header_container) to the jQuery so that the contained javascript code executes for Classic as well.

Step 2: Inject custom styles into Classic - Theme Style Sheet

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding Objects

Append the following styles to CSK_BRAND_CLASSIC_TEMPL_FLUID

Custom styles for reference:

/* Fluid - Display DBName for non-Prod environments */
#cskdbnamecontainer {
   height: 26px; 
   background-color: rgb(204,204,204);
#cskdbname {
   color: rgba(229,47,0,1);
   line-height: 26px;
   font-weight: bold;
   padding-right: 10px;

Step 3: Inject the custom javascript into Classic using Branding System Options

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding System Options


Adding Custom Links to Actions List Menu:

Fluid  Branding - 8.54 - Part 5C

Again, we will notice that the above steps would only work for the "Fluid" pages. In order to add custom links on "Classic" pages, we need to perform some additional steps to update the header definition (CSK_HEADER_FLUID).

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Define Headers and Footers

Note: The reason I am using a Static URL as the means to add the custom URL is because the URL object option does not seem to substitute the URL correctly. It appears to be a bug in 8.55.


Overriding the Favorite Icon:

Fluid Branding - 8.54 - Part 5C

Again, this will only work for "Fluid" pages.

Here are the steps to create a Favorite Icon for Classic Pages:

Step 1: Update custom javascript - CSK_FL_IR_JS

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding Objects

Update CSK_FL_IR_JS javascript object as follows:

Javascript for reference:

// Get Image URL for CSK_LOGO (FavIcon);
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='/psc/" + site + "/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/s/WEBLIB_FL_CSK.ISCRIPT1.FieldFormula.IScript_Set_Image_URL_Variable?var=cskFavIcon&img=CSK_LOGO_FAVICON' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));

var $jq = jQuery.noConflict();

  // If Classic;
  if ( $jq("#ptbr_header_container").length > 0) {

     // create div for favIcon
     var favIcon = document.createElement("LINK");

     // set attributes and innerHTML
     favIcon.setAttribute("rel","shortcut icon");
     favIcon.setAttribute("href", cskFavIcon);

     // insert favIcon div in the head element

  } else {

     // Replace Browser Favorite Icon(s);
     $jq('head link[href*=LOGO_FAVICON]').attr('href', cskFavIcon);



Overriding the "Processing" Icon:


Fluid Branding - 8.54 - Part 5D

Monday, April 18, 2016

PeopleTools 8.55.x - Branding - Part II

This is a continuation of my previous post where I detailed some of the new Branding features and configuration options available in PeopleTools 8.55. This post is intended to provide guidelines for accomplishing some common Branding tasks in PeopleTools 8.55. You will notice that majority of the tasks would only require simple configuration changes as opposed to making customizations or even writing many custom styles (Branding - Part 5A - describes the steps involved in Branding Fluid applications in PeopleTools 8.54). There are also reference links on the following tasks to compare with the effort involved in 8.54. This might be quite lengthy but hopefully you will find the steps useful!

Changing the Header Background Color:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set to override PT_BANNER_BACKGROUND_IMAGE macro with an appropriate linear-gradient.


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the Hover Over and Active Background Color for the Home, Notifications and Action Menu Icons:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:

Note: In my case, I set the box shadow color to be the same since I did not need a box shadow. You can adjust these macros as per your requirements.


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the Background and Hover Over Color for the NavBar Icon:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the Left Border for the NavBar Icon:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the Background Color of the Fluid Landing Page - Tile Area:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the Branding Header - Bottom Border:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the Fluid Homepage Title Selector Text Color:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the Background Color on the Fluid Landing Page Footer:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the Icons on the Header and Footer:

Let us use the following custom images for overriding the delivered icons:

Homepage Selection Drop-Down: PTNUI_DOWN_ARW > CSK_NUI_DOWN_ARW

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the color of the Content Page Title Text:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:


Note: This change only works for Fluid Page and does not override the Classic Page Titles.

To update the title text color on Classic pages, make the following style sheet overrides using the custom Classic - Theme Style Sheet - CSK_BRAND_CLASSIC_TEMPL_FLUID (Click here for more details).

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding Objects

Edit CSK_BRAND_CLASSIC_TEMPL_FLUID and set color to rgba(29,65,140, 0.95) for pthdr2pagetitle selector.


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing the Icon and Styling on the 'Back' Button:

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:

Note: You may also need to adjust other PT_BANNER_BACK* macros depending on your custom styles.


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

Changing  the color of the new Notification Badge:

This seems to be a new feature of PeopleTools 8.55 and I don't recall seeing this in 8.54.

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Theme Macro Set

Select the custom Theme Macro Set and override the following macros:


Changing the Dot Styling on the Fluid Landing Page Footer:

Unfortunately, this style override is not yet supported as part of the macros. So, we need to fall back to the previous method of overriding the styles.

NavBar > Navigator > PeopleTools > Portal > Branding > Branding Objects

Edit the custom Fluid - Global Override Style Sheet (CSK_BRAND_FLUID_TEMPLATE) and include the following style at the very end of the style sheet.

.lpfooter .dot.on {
  background: #EEEB4D;
.lpfooter .dot {
  background: #E8E29E;
  border: 2px solid #1d418c;


Steps in 8.54: Click here.

In the next post, I intend to cover some more advanced branding tasks including steps to create custom marcos using the Branding Theme Macro Sets framework.