Thursday, May 21, 2020

DIY - Kibana Dashboards with Application Data - Part 3

This post is part of a series: DIY - Kibana Dashboards with Application

The major parts of creating a search index (using application data) in Elasticsearch and creating Dashboards (and visualizations) in Kibana were completed in Part 1 and Part 2. This part will focus on the final steps of importing the Kibana Dashboards (and visualizations) into PeopleSoft, configuring and deploying them as PeopleSoft visualizations (tiles, related content, etc.).

Import Kibana Dashboards

In Part 2, we created two dashboards (Full View and Tile View) in Kibana. These dashboards can be imported into PeopleSoft from PeopleTools > Search Framework > Administration > Import Kibana Dashboards.

Configure the Dashboard(s) as a Tile

Once the Dashboards are successfully imported into PeopleSoft, we can configure them as a Tile (or related content) from PeopleTools > Search Framework > Administration > Kibana Visualizations.

Note: When we setup the dashboard as a Tile, PeopleTools will automatically create the Tile content reference for us as shown below.

Specify User Privileges

Once we configure the Kibana dashboard(s) as a Tile, we can specify the user privileges to secure access to the Tile.

PeopleTools > Search Framework > Administration > Kibana Privileges

Note: This will automatically update the Tile content reference security appropriately.

Deploy Kibana Dashboards

Finally, we can deploy (redeploy?) the dashboards configured in PeopleSoft as a visualization (Tile) into Kibana. This is step will deploy all the configurations (security, etc.) associated with the dashboards in Kibana.

PeopleTools > Search Framework > Administration > Deploy Kibana Dashboards


  1. Hi Sasank,

    I created Kibana visualization on JOB data. So, I was filtering the data based on EFFDT (which is Date field in PS) was throwing Parsing error. When I filtered using Last Update Time (Date Time field in PS) works fine.

    So, I opened request and response XML and concluded that it is format issue, I tried following approaches in vain:

    1) I tried to change the format in Kibana.
    Navigate to: Management -> Index Pattern -> Search Job Index -> Edit Effdt field with my format.

    2) I created an expression with format Datetime in EFFDT field and used as field. PS Query ran successfully. But, when I created the search definitions, it gave me 'Field Doesn't exist" Error.

    Do let us know what could be solution on this.


  2. Just an update: I used an expression in Query CAST (B.EFFDT AS TIMESTAMP) and then search def didn't error out. :)

    > In Kibana,I chose EFFDT as date time filter when creating Index Pattern and it didn't give Parsing Error on dashboard. But any other date (ACTION_DT) in filtering data on dashboard gives error.
