Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Fluid UI - Oracle JET - Using KnockoutJS for Data Binding - Demo

Continuing on my experimentation with Oracle JET in Fluid UI, I will demo how we can use KnockoutJS available as part of Oracle JET for data binding. This demonstration is based on the following Oracle JET MOOC - Lesson 1, Part 4: Data Binding.

Development Environment: HCM 9.2 PUM Image 17 - PeopleTools 8.55.03

Step 1: Create a Fluid Page

Let us create a simple Fluid page - CSK_KO_DATA_BIND - using PSL_APPS_CONTENT layout. And add a couple of group boxes for creating a flex layout (oj-flex and oj-flex-item). Adding the flex layout is optional but you can refer to Fluid UI - Oracle JET - Using Oracle Alta UI and Flex Layouts for more details.

Further, let us add the following page field elements (group box, edit box - input field and edit box - display only):

Group Box Properties:

Edit Box (Input Field):

Edit Box (Display Only):

Step 2: Add KnockoutJS path to requireJS configuration

Next, we need to update our global requireJS configuration to include the path for knockout.

For complete javascript code, refer jsFiddle link: CSK_REQUIRE_CFG_JS

For more details on using requireJS refer:PeopleTools 8.55+ - Using Oracle JET (JQuery, JQueryUI, requireJS and more) - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.

Step 3: Add data binding to the View (Page HTML)

In our infrastructure (PeopleSoft - Pure Internet Architecture), the "View" is the page (CSK_KO_DATA_BIND) which generates the HTML. As a next step, we can write some PageActivate PeopleCode to add the data-bind attributes to the Fluid page fields using the Field Class HtmlAttributes property.

PeopleCode for Reference:
/* Setting the data-binds in the "View" */
CSK_OJ_WRK.DESCR1.HtmlAttributes = "data-bind='value: userText'";
CSK_OJ_WRK.DESCR2.HtmlAttributes = "data-bind='value: userTextCaps'";

Step 4: Apply the KnockOut Bindings to the ViewModel

Let us update the PageActivate PeopleCode to include a javascript object (CSK_KO_MAIN_JS) on page load. This javascript will serve the same purpose as a traditional 'main.js' in the javascript/Oracle JET architecture.

JavaScript: CSK_KO_MAIN_JS

- As you can see, we added the requireJS configuration path to the "ViewModel" javascript in the main (CSK_KO_MAIN_JS), instead of using the global requireJS configuration in Step 2 (while setting up Knockout JS path). This is because we do not want this app (page) specific path to clutter our global requireJS configuration.
- In the require block, we injected the Alta CSS to enable the oj-flex and oj-flex-item styling that we used in Step 1.
- Finally, the Knockout binding is applied to the "ViewModel" which resides in CSK_KO_VIEWMODEL_JS.

Step 5: Create ViewModel JavaScript Object - CSK_KO_VIEWMODEL_JS


The ViewModel has the define block as described in the Oracle JET MOOC lesson example.


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