Branding: Steps to add an external link to the System Header Links and open in a new window


  1. Hi Sasank - Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Here you have showed us on how to add an external link. If you have done on adding an PeopleSoft internal link, such as to an component, can you share with us too?

    1. Two options (second option is easier):

      Using Custom Branding Elements:

      Using Basic Link:

  2. Hi Sasank,

    How did you make the URL to open in the new window

    1. The Target attribute with a value of "_blank" that is mentioned in this post makes the URL to open up in a new window.

  3. This works for classic pages. How do you get it to work for Fluid pages?

    1. Yes. It will only work for Classic. Branding for Classic and Fluid have some differences.

      You may want to take a look at the following posts which might give you some ideas:

  4. Hello Sasank, thanks for all your posts !
    I'm trying to add a hyperlink with some peoplecode in the header (I need to collect the current page and the current component). I would like to make a link like a simply 'transfer' with global variable, but in the header. So, I'm trying with an application package but it doesn't work. Do you have an example or a quick idea to do that ?

    1. Hi Aurelien - I don't have any examples for this.

      Are you trying to access the current component/page name on the App Package (link event)? Have you tried looking into the Request Class methods/properties to see if you can leverage the URI information to determine the component name, etc.?

      FullURI Property:

      GetHeader Method:

    2. Hi Sasank, thank you for your response.

      More details on my need:
      1. I'm on the peopleSoft browser, on a specific page Z
      2. Behind this page Z, in App Designer, we have a page X and a component Y associated (visible with ctrl + shift + J)
      3. When I click on my button in the header, I would like display a grid in a new window. The fill up of the grid is depending on the page and the component where we were

      For that, I know that we can have the current page and component with peopleCode (%page, %component). I tried to use the transfer method, like in a classic button, but in a application class I have some issues. So, I am blocked..

      I hope my explanations are clear. I try to use peopleCode because I think we can't have the current page and component with Request Class methods/properties

      Best regards

    3. If you need Control+J information, you could take a look at this post for some ideas:
