Sunday, October 21, 2018

PeopleTools 8.57 | Testing the New App Designer Utility Features

PeopleTools 8.57.01 is now generally available! Once I got an environment up and running on PT 8.57, I tested the latest enhancements to App Designer. Since this early .01 release is currently only available on Oracle Cloud, I thought I would share couple of my favorite features!

Database Name on the Header

It is about time! Certainly a very valuable feature to constantly remind us of the current database as we work. If we have multiple App Designer sessions open, it is quite easy to accidentally make changes in the wrong database!

In the example shown below, PSPDB is the database name of my HCM 9.2 PUM Image (upgraded to 8.57.01).

Property Window for Page Design

This is a fantastic feature which makes page design in PeopleTools - App Designer far more intuitive. It is very similar to some of the popular IDEs such as Eclipse. This feature will drastically reduce the number of mouse clicks required to view/set/update page field properties!


  1. Hey Sasank. Thanks for the preview. I can't wait to see it.
    Most likely I will not have an opportunity until we work on our next PUM upgrade next year but I guess most of the undocumented features will be ironed out by then so that is a good thing.

    What tool do you use to make your Gif recordings?



    1. Hi Tom - I use LICEcap which is a free tool.

    2. I've been using ScreenToGif but was wondering if there was a tool that was better at this. Thanks again.

    3. Great. I will give that a try.

      I wouldn't say that LICEcap is better than other products. It does have some quirks but it works for what I try to record.
